Fall Down And Go Boom
Minor cuts, scraped knees, and small puncture wounds are hard
to avoid. Most of these minor
injuries can be treated at home.
Follow the three C’s of minor wound care to speed healing and avoid
The 3 C’s of caring for
minor cuts, scrapes, and puncture wounds:
1. Control Bleeding
a. Apply direct pressure
to a cut or scrape to stop the bleeding.
b. Allow a minor puncture
wound to stop bleeding on its own, unless the bleeding is heavy as this may
help cleanse the wound.
2. Clean the Wound
a. Kill germs and remove
the dirt by washing the wound with warm water and soap.
b. Soak a minor puncture
wound in warm, sudsy water for several minutes. Repeat this at least twice per day every day.
3. Cover the injury
a. Hold the edges of a cut
together with a butterfly bandage
b. Apply antibiotic
c. For a cut or scrape,
apply an adhesive bandage or clean gauze and tape it in place.
d. Cover a minor puncture
wound with gauze to absorb drainage and let in air to help with healing.
*If you are
experiencing heavy bleeding or your wound is not healed within a couple of
weeks, see your health care provider.