Sunday, July 17, 2011

Three C's of Minor Wound Care

Fall Down And Go Boom

Minor cuts, scraped knees, and small puncture wounds are hard to avoid.  Most of these minor injuries can be treated at home.  Follow the three C’s of minor wound care to speed healing and avoid infection.

The 3 C’s of caring for minor cuts, scrapes, and puncture wounds:

1.     Control Bleeding
a. Apply direct pressure to a cut or scrape to stop the bleeding.
b. Allow a minor puncture wound to stop bleeding on its own, unless the bleeding is heavy as this may help cleanse the wound.

2.     Clean the Wound
a. Kill germs and remove the dirt by washing the wound with warm water and soap.
b. Soak a minor puncture wound in warm, sudsy water for several minutes.  Repeat this at least twice per day every day.

3.     Cover the injury
a. Hold the edges of a cut together with a butterfly bandage
b. Apply antibiotic ointment
c. For a cut or scrape, apply an adhesive bandage or clean gauze and tape it in place.
d. Cover a minor puncture wound with gauze to absorb drainage and let in air to help with healing.

*If you are experiencing heavy bleeding or your wound is not healed within a couple of weeks, see your health care provider.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Blog By Any Other Name

How important is a blog’s name?  It could make all the difference between attracting potential followers and being passed by with nothing more than a click and a yawn.  Our Banana Moments follows several hundred different blogs and each was initially chosen based on their intriguing names.  Of course, a striking name is only the beginning.  While a riveting name may lure potential followers, equally compelling content will keep them coming back.  Here are 15 blogs we follow with provocative monikers and content to match.  Which blogs with catchy names do you follow?

                           Bad Ass Chicks That Bite
                           Just add whine.....
                           Christians... Criminals ... and Chickens
                           Cluster Love
                           Flipside: Sanity is Overrated
                           maple bacon and beavertails
                           Moose tracks and Tater stacks
                           Older Mommy, Still Yummy
                           Moderate to Severe
                           The Redhead Riter - Witty, Intelligent & Addictive
                           Sober Julie Doing Life
                           Peace Love & Poop
                           The New Sexy!
                           BlackBerry Mama

Saturday, July 2, 2011

What Happened to Your Feet? Inside Fungal Infections

*I first published this article as What Happened to Your Feet? Inside Fungal Infections on Blogcritics.

Interestingly enough, a fungus is a kind of plant many of which we eat. Mushrooms, mold, and mildew are examples of fungi. Fungi live in air, in soil, on plants, and in water, and on our bodies. Fungus grows best on warm, damp skin.  Given all the many places that fungi grow, it’s no wonder catching a nail infection can appear very easy.

According to Richards (2011), the fungus that infects the nail usually spreads from infected skin close to the nail.  Risk factors for catching a fungal nail infection are diabetes, immune system weakness, participating in contact sports, swimming and frequent contact with animals. 

Infected nails are by far not attractive and no amount of manicures and pedicures will beautify or camouflage a raging infection.  Infected nails are brittle, thickened, ragged, and yellow or brown. Because they are brittle, they may lift, crumble, or flake.  If you suspect a nail infection, see your healthcare provider. If your infection is mild, your provider may prescribe a topical medication.  More severe infections may require taking pills by mouth. Your medications may come with instructions to take until the nail grows all the way out and there is no longer any sign of the fungal infection.  Fingernails usually grow out within six months, twelve months for toenails. 

Fungal Infection Prevention

Keep your hands and feet as dry as possible. Change socks often. Wear shoes that breathe well. Avoid going barefoot in public places, such as shower stalls and locker rooms at the gym. It is best to wear shower shoes in public showers and clean them often.

Richards, T. (2011). Onychomycosis.  NursingConsult, (2011), . 

The Mayo Clinic (2010), Nail Fungus