Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fight the Bite

This post is a featured CDC.**

There will always be bugs, but don't let them bite you! Learn about the steps you can take to avoid tick and mosquito bites that may cause serious illnesses such as West Nile virus and Lyme disease. Fifth and sixth graders can help promote bug bite prevention by participating in the Fight the Bite Poster Contest.

Spring is coming soon! As we get ready for another season of outdoor fun, it's important to remember to protect ourselves from mosquitoes and ticks that may spread the viruses or bacteria that cause serious illness such as West Nile virus, Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Fortunately, we can all take steps such as using an effective insect repellent on skin and clothing, wearing long sleeves and long pants (when it's not too hot), taking care of our yards to get rid of standing water where mosquitoes lay their eggs, and reducing brush, tall grasses, leaf litter, and harborage where ticks may like to hang out.

Kids, there is an important role that you can play in spreading the message about protection from these bugs. CDC and the DEET Education Program are sponsoring the annual "Fight the Bite" Poster Contest, open to any child in grades 5 or 6. Create a poster showing people how to fight the bite of mosquitoes and ticks and enter it in the contest. Contest rules and an entry form are available online at Fight the Bite Contest.

Fight the Bite Contest. But don't wait; entries must be submitted by April 18, 2012.

More information on bugs can be found at:

1.    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:  West Nile virus web site and Lyme disease web site
2.    DEET Education Program:
3.    University of Florida:
4.    American Lyme Disease Foundation:
5.    About Bugs:

**This post is a featured CDC post and can be viewed in it’s entirety at CDC

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