next time you want to find extra dollars in your household budget, consider the
possibilities that will open up if you tackle the important task of organizing
all of your home décor materials. You don’t have to become Martha Stewart
Chances are that you
change your decorations for your home with the change in the season. The costs
that you spend each year on holiday-related home décor items, many of which you
will end up throwing away, represent a good place to begin cost-cutting. By
saving on home décor, you can free up dollars to spend in other areas of the
household budget.
The trick is to organize
holiday-related home décor items more efficiently. Some homemakers approach
this by buying one large plastic bin for each holiday, such as one for Easter,
one for Thanksgiving, one for Christmas, etc. During the rest of the year, the
choice of home décor items usually fits the season, as in spring, summer, fall,
and winter decorations.
How do you keep your
stuff organized in a bin system without going crazy? The answer is simple. Just
set up each bin and label it. Then pick one day every two months or so to take
out the bin for the outgoing season and pack it up and store it in the attic or
garage. Next, take out the bin for the next season and unpack everything. For
example, after Halloween, pack up your fall stuff and unpack everything for
Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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